My Heart Wants Roots. My Mind Wants Wings. I Cannot bear Their Bickerings.

Everyday I thirst to see more, to do more and to experience more. And everyday, I miss my family, I miss familiarity and I miss home.
Italy, shmitaly.
Sometimes when uploading or sending via messenger, Facebook flips photos. Turns out it ain’t a bad look!
This is Château De Coudrée a 12th-century castle now a 4 star hotel.
These last pictures are from Yvoire; officially one of ‘The Most Beautiful Villages of France’, a former fishing village, fortified in the early 14th century, it’s a riot of turrets, towers and old stone houses.
I feel really silly writing this with all of the terrible terrible adversary happening in the world and how incredibly lucky I am compared to it all but one of the “troubles” of travelling is being unable to buy the big beautiful things to take home.
Can someone romance me already?!
An all-wooden toy-store. “Very German,” according to Auntie.


  1. Hi-
    Look over the photos. The one with the “Hotel, Boutique” sign and the medieval decorated flower pots. That’s total Disney. No-one would ever believe them to be more than a pot from China. You see a Hollywood, wooden shuttered, designed to attract tourist landscape. Please excuse me, am I cynical?
    And while I am asking for you to indulge me, i have a question. Yes, you have decided to roam the world. Is there a someone that you left behind? Is there someone in your past who you gave up, rejected or on the other hand someone who you perceive as rejecting you?
    Do you truly recognize that Hashem runs the world and He makes the meetings of souls?
    If you rejected someone, then now is the time to reach out to that person and ask for forgiveness. I have heard of new doors opening after living that process.


  2. Beautiful pictures once again! Enjoy your travels AND love your family and friends. Baha’u’llah allows us to be many things, including a wandering soul and a homebody.


    1. Thank you Randy! Unfortunately I don’t ever do these blog award thingies.. maybe they would be good for publicity but I don’t know, they just don’t appeal to me. But THANK YOU and love you very much.


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